Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today I wanted to talk a bit about the importance of friendships.  Through our years we have friends that come and go... we have friends that we have had for many years and develop slowly, and then we also have short friendships that become very deep very quickly... some friendships seem to stay at the acquaintance level and some friendships are what keep us afloat when we just feel like sinking.

This entry isn't to point out who is who in my life, it is just to say that I am thankful for all of my friends.  Every type of relationship, every type of friend... to each of you I am eternally thankful.  I know that you are there if I am down, if I need to talk, or if I need to tell you the best of news.  For this I cannot find any other words except Thank You.

To those of you who are friends of mine,  if you need a friend in me, in any way I haven't seemed to find, remember to ask, or to yell, or to stop by, or to ask me to come over, or to grab me by the face and tell me.  I promise to listen.  I appreciate that I may not always be as tuned in as necessary, but today I am stepping back to say that I am here...

Love you my ladies.  xoxo

1 comment:

ENDub said...

I love you Reivus. I am here for you too. Thank you for writing that email yesterday. I have more to say....just not here :) Hugs.