Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday at Four

For my last nine years of life, I have worked at four-o-clock every Friday night at the same place.  (give or take a few nights:)  As of the last month, that is over.  Each Friday since then, I have done my best to take note as to what I was doing when I would normally be headed to work.
The first Friday night off was very un-eventful.  I was questioning my decision as I sat at home watching my dvr and doing laundry.
The second Friday night was spent with my mom and my niece creating "Olivia the pig" out of a pumpkin... which was an amazing success...

The third Friday night was another un-eventful one... I don't know what we did... most likely more dvr and laundry.  :)
The forth Friday at Four was spent in the car, on the way down to Eugene, to have a lovely dinner with a group of amazing people before a Ducks game.  For once I got to be AT the table, rather than wait on them ... it was dreamy.
This Friday at Four, I was at my old elementary school, again with one of my favorite people in the world.  I picked my niece up at school and we stayed to play on the playground... one I hadn't stepped foot on for some 20ish years...

THIS... my friends... is WHY.  This is why it is so important to take the time off... thank you for a wonderful twenty minutes... thank you for the fun... thank you for the flip on that one bar I used to flip on when I was young... (it used to seem so much easier)... thank you for the laughing... thank you for the flowers you picked for me... thank you for the excitement you showed when you saw it was me there to pick you up... thank you for reminding me what it is important in my life... I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.  :)


Briana said...

WOW! Seeing those last pictures sure brings back a lot of memories! I'm pretty sure I was always over on the soccer field, though, playing soccer or football with the boys!

Cassie said...

Such a GREAT post! I loved hearing about your time with your neice, stepping foot on the playground from twenty or so years ago. Yes, we all need time off--to be able to take notice, real notice of how our time is passing. Lovely. :)

p.s. I love the flower/playground pic. Frame worthy perhaps.

Erin said...

Thanks Cassie. It was a beauty-filled day... the sun was shining and I was thrilled about where I was and who I was with. Thanks for the lovely words, you are so very good at them. :)

Just a Simple Gal - Judy in Huntsville - AL said...

Hey girlie! I've just had a chance to catch you since Spark! LOVE this post [and congrats to you for blogging!!] Feel free to connect with me on facebook - Judy Hardwick [huntsville -al - a sunflower picture]